Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MAC : New Brushes and a Paint Pot!

I've always liked makeup, but recently I've been getting really into it. I've always used cheap drugstore brushes but I wanted to start investing in some higher end ones. So, I went onto MAC's website and ordered a couple. While there I also ordered a paint pot. I have been using one of the Maybelline Color Tattoo eye shadows as a base, but the paint pots seemed to have more natural color selections, and I've been wanting to compare the two.
The package came today and I was so excited to open it!
The first brush I ordered seems to be the eye brush from MAC that everyone seems to love. I figured it would be a good place to start. I haven't actually used it yet, but it feels nice on my hand. It's soft without being too fluffy. I'm really excited to try it!
The second brush I ordered is the 116. MAC's website says it's "tapered for shading and highlighting cheeks and face with blush." I actually meant to order the 109, as I had heard good things about it on youtube, but I was at work and distracted and couldn't remember the right number. However, I think I'll keep this one and still get the 109 later. This one is not as soft as you'd expect it to be, but I haven't actually tried it with makeup so I will wait and see how I feel about then.
I got Bare Study because it seemed to be the most flesh-toned. (At least from the website, sometimes it can be hard to tell, and the nearest MAC store is 2 and 1/2 hours from me...)
I really, really like the color! Again, I haven't actually used it yet, besides the swatch, but I think I'm going to like it. It has the vague scent of vanilla, like their lipsticks, and I like it! The Maybelline Color Tattoos smell like Crisco or something equally lard-y to me, so this is much more pleasant!

I'll make another post soon once I've actually worked with these and can form a better opinion of them!

x, Meg.


  1. I LOVE MAC products!
    Please let us know how the brushes feel when you use them (review them)!
    Thank you!

    Jackie from GlitterandScissors...

    1. Me too! I've used the brushes only once so far but I'm very impressed! I think I'll do a review soon! :)

  2. such a great post and so nice purchases. :) i love mac and their brushes but they're so expensive >.<' :'D
    you have such a lovely blog and I started following it! maybe you'll have a look also on mine :)


    1. Thank you! Yeah I've wanted to try their brushes for a while but the price was kind of holding me back... I finally cracked and bought them! So far I'm glad I did!
